Last night we made our own individual pizzas from scratch....and it was delicious. The kids always love to be involved cooking or baking, so they were especially excited. So excited that I found them licking their lips in their favorite chairs watching and waiting for the pizza to be done.

After a while, my husband joined them.

And a while after that, the kids got bored and left Dad to supervise. I'm surprised he didn't break Niki's chair.

Then Niki started attacking when it was taking too long.

Finally!!! A whole 15 minutes late, the pizza is ready.

When they make their own pizza, we never have problems making them finish their dinner.

Oh...and I had to show off my cluttered fridge. Anyone else have one of these?

Homemade pizza is always extremely filling, and I have no idea how their little bodies managed to eat their whole pizzas...but what is really amazing is they could still jump around afterwards. Why can't I do that?!
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