New Orleans, New Orleans, New Orleans...well, we actually got back from our trip a couple weeks ago, but we definitely won't soon forget the trip. We stayed 3 days...the first two were quite normal and almost boring. The last night, however, was anything but. To make a very long story somewhat sister met a guy who took an immediate liking to her (go figure, right...she's a pretty girl). In the coarse of about 5-10 minutes of knowing this guy, he picked her up like a sack of potatoes and dropped her on the hard, hard which she dislocated her shoulder. I then sprinted 3 or 4 city blocks, IN HEELS, to find some cops to get which I had to argue with 4 cops just to get them to call an ambulance. When I got back to Amanda, the ambulance was already putting her in the bus. I had to sneak and hide in the ambulance so that I could go with to the hospital...when I got there the hospital staff wouldn't let me go in the room with her and threatened to have me arrested for trying to be a supportive sister and stay with her through the whole process (It wasn't like she was in a critical state). Can I just tell you that I am completely and totally grateful for the law enforcement and medical quality that we have here in the Kansas City area. The whole time through that dramatic night, I kept thinking to myself what a Johnson County Snot I must be to expect the same level of care where ever I go. We really have it pretty good where we live.
That's not it...when they wouldn't let me see her, I stupidly thought I would run back to the hotel (about 8 or 9 CITY BLOCKS...IN HEELS) and try to change clothes (put on running shoes), grab our cell phones, and credit cards. I ran and ran and ran...oh my god, if ever my lungs felt like they were going to collapse. Plus, I ran through some pretty scary city streets with some pretty scary people. When I got back to the hospital, I found out that after I left to go to the hotel, 3 cops on bicycles when out to find me because they said that the area I was running through was extremely dangerous (especially at 3am). The next day, on our taxi ride to the airport, the driver told us (as we pasted the street I ran on) that at 4am there was a man shot dead there that same night. hummm...I guess I got lucky.
Oh...and then when we finally landed at KCI and found that Delta lost my sister's luggage. The whole mini-vacation was supposed to be to celebrate my sister's birthday...and she ended up dislocated, with a hefty hospital bill, and without luggage. Nice, right?!
Without further ado, here are some of the pictures from our portrait session early in the day before the hospital fun.

Let me just say how difficult it was to have a portrait session in New Orleans with a beautiful woman. We couldn't go anywhere without being harassed by people passing by or people up above (non-Bourbon Street areas) chucking beads at Amanda. UG!

We went cheap and got our hotel at the Holiday Inn...but we passed by an upscale hotel with some valet drivers that were willing to pose for me. How cute!

Yes....I MADE him do this. hehehe

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