I've actually known Kylie for over a year now. She's been a bridesmaid in two of my past weddings...the first being the one in Mexico last year. The first thing that I noticed about her was her smile. She's got a beautiful one! A couple months ago she gave me a call and told me not only we she engaged, but they were planning their destination wedding for Puerto Rico and they wanted me to photograph it. WAHOOOOOOOO! Just thinking about it right now makes me want to go find my suitcase. :)

This was new location for me. I've driven past it a couple times but didn't know what the heck it was and could never remember how to find it. In fact, when I was in that area on Saturday, I spent about 20 minutes trying to find it just so I could take Kylie and Jarred there. I'm glad I did.

Poor Jarred. This was the first time to meet eachother...and of course it had to be early in the morning after a fun night of partying. Nothing like have a camera stuck in your face at 9am on a Sunday morning. HA! He definitely got his exercise! He did very well...I'm impressed. :)

So...there we are in the plaza...about to go walk around and scout out some spots...when Jarred surprised me with the fact that his office was just a couple streets over. He's a doctor and made a comment of how we could do pictures there if we wanted. HECK YEAH! So off we went. Kylie played "the sexy patient" and Jarred played "the handsome doctor". My job is way too fun.

You have noooo idea what we went through to get this shot setup. Kylie, I hope your lips were alright later on. :)

We were on our way out the door and walked past the office area. I immediately thought of the library scene from Ghostbusters...I had to get a shot.

I think I'm a little obsessed with Kylie's ring. It's really purdy.

Thanks Jarred & Kylie for letting me boss you around so early in the morning! Can't wait for Puerto Rico!!!!
WOW! That location is spectacular! Great pics, and CONGRATULATIONS to Kylie!! :o)
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