Ladies and gentleman...make way for a fresh, new senior on the blog!!!! Last week I got a call from Lauren's mom to setup a session, and she scored cool-points with me by going above and beyond emailing me some pictures of her and giving me an accurate description of Lauren's character. Needless-to-say, we had a very custom session that fit Lauren perfectly! Thanks Marti!

So, the wind was pretty gusty, but the wind really made the hair work for this picture.

Long lashes, big eyes, pouty lips....NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR!!!!

As I look at this picture of Lauren's parents, I can't help but think of that song that was super over-played on the radio a few months back... "I got it from my mama"....I have no idea what it's actually named.

By the way, these were taken in her hometown in Lawson, MO.

ooooo....I like this purse.

Lauren and her two bros, George and Austin.

When asked what her hobbies were, hunting was right there at the top of the list. So it was only fitting to have some "character" shots with her rifle. How cute is this!!!!!

What good sports her brothers were! :)

And, in fact...the whole family is very close and they all hunt together. So, here's one just for them. This turned out so almost looks like it belongs on the cover of a CD or rock star family!

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