This was definitely no ordinary senior portrait session. Normally, I have to coach myself not to act too stupidly, giddy when a super-creative session presents itself...but I fear I failed. The whole session was too much fun. *Sorry David...hope I didn't scare you*
Elizabeth (David's mom) helped me out by describing David to me before the session, so I decided to take them somewhere completely new to me for a session....Zona Rosa (right in my neighborhood even). It was like a photographer's playground. I couldn't have asked for a better time, better weather, better senior, or better location.
Did I mention Elizabeth came drunk? ....just kidding. I warned her I was going to make fun of her. She did this nice little stunt while backing up off a curb. Broke the
Valet sign. HA! Lucky for her I was ready with my camera. My poor clients...instead of running to their aid, I take pictures of a fall. And if you're curious, that's just an energy drink in her hand (no booze). I LOVE YOU ELIZABETH! ...and your whole family too!

Not that he will admit it, but he definitely has that model look to his face. SO HANDSOME!

I had way too many construction site pictures that came out so good, but I decided to limit it to this one. I love the bursts of color in his clothing.

And this is what I like to call "The Personality Shot". Whenever possible, I really like at least one picture to really represent the subject. I gave David some time to think about it and he decided on a little
ICP flavor. So...after a quick trip to the Halloween section of
CVS, I painted him up and got him all ready for round two.

The elevator wouldn't let us keep the door open for a few pictures (I know, how rude!), so we all had to pile in.

I think this is my absolute FAVORITE shot from the whole session. What is it with me and elevators? I swear.

Thanks David. You are amazing. Can't wait to show off the rest...I think you'll like em'
mucho little wally-world-
scoundrel. ;)
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