So, yesterday was mother's day...but my stomach thought it was Thanksgiving and Christmas combined...GOOD LORD I ate a ton. It was one of those "unbutton your pants" type of days. First we (my family and I) had brunch with my Mimi, then we had lunch with my "adoptive" family (the Eudora gang), then we had dinner at my mom's...And I think I had second helpings & dessert with each meal. YIKES!
This was a book my mom had at her house that is full of awesome, inspirational photography related to mothers.

Here's a candid from the Karla & David
Grosdidier...and all of their grandchildren.

Who's their favorite grandparent?

Well, my first idea for this picture was all the kids on the ground and me looking down...but it was too sunny and made for some grumpy we flip-flopped it.
Courtesy of my lovely husband.

This was so cute of father & son.
Ok...I know it's mother's day, but these daddies were
sooo adorable. Had to give them a little camera
lovin'.'s a series of pictures of my youngest sister, Katie. The orange drink in her hand is supposed to be a "orange-cream-soda"...but little does she know, we switched it out with orange-dyed water & milk...yuk. So, I
pretended to be practicing settings while capturing her first swig. We really are evil.

Late, the light was perfect and my sister needed some updated we went over to the nearby park and I photographed Katie and her friend Shawna for a little while. It was actually a ton of fun...I think I got 9 bloopers for every 10 pictures.

Can you hear the music? "I'm a model, ya know what I mean...and I do it little dance on the catwalk...yea the catwalk..."

... "I'm too sexy for this umbrella, too sexy for this bridge...."

Here's a cute one with all us girls and our mama.

Here's my kids.

My sister, Amanda, took this one and I thought it was pretty cool with the original, out-of-camera motion effect.

This one, also by Amanda, not so good.
"Profile" + "Direct Flash" + "Unflattering laugh" =

I just included that one to show you...there is definitely an art to flattering photography and the wonderful world of
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