THIS is my front yard as of 5pm Today. This picture really doesn't do it looks like the trees threw up. We just got back power late this afternoon after being blacked-out for two days....two very LONG days. Between my family being sick last week and my power loss these past couple is to be expected that there will be some delays on pictures. Sorry. Mr. Coffee, Folgers, and I are working hard at catching up.

This is my back yard.

My sister, luckily, is enjoying the warmer weather of California right now...but her very nice car has been parked at my home (since I'm the airport so close to KCI). Last night I heard some branches cracking around 1am and I decided to quickly move her car...and not a moment too soon. A huge branch quickly filled the area where her car had been.
Amanda, if you are reading better give me a gigantic hug and thank you for saving your beautiful car.

Ok, so I have power restored, my house is warm again (no more burning books and furniture to heat the livingroom...since everyplace was out of firewood). I am working very hard to make up time, but I want to thank everyone for your patience in these icy times.
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