Every summer, Matt (hubby) and I try to go camping/canoeing at least once or twice. This year, I have been sooooo busy with weddings that I decided to invite the whole FAM for our camping trip as it will probably be the only time they will see me this summer. Eeekkk!

There were 20 of us all together...and this was even more special because it was my children's first time camping. They had sooooo much fun.

My son is a bit afraid of water (actually a bit afraid of everything:), but he sure liked being able to squirt people going by.

Niki is my carefree child and just loves being part of the ride. She found all sorts of ways to entertain herself.

We had one spill...which is suprising considering the river was the most rapid as I've ever seen it.

What can I say...like father, like son.

Who goes camping without Smores? Not us...although, they definitely look tastier before going in the mouth.

Here's me trying to act natural for a picture. hehehe...actually, I was trying to compensate for my "stink-eye"...I got a mesquito bite on the upper-lid of my eye...which has made me look a little like Rocky for the past week or so. Stupid eye just doesn't bounce back easy.

Here's our little camp.

We had such a great, relaxing time this weekend...and I'm glad we made it there and back safely. I was a little worried that my toyota camry couldn't handle 5 people and a butt-load of stuff...we were definitely "low-riders", but it worked out.
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