WOW! Well...I have argued with myself ALL day trying to decide and cut down the "teasers", but I cannot come to an agreement with myself.'s a mother-load of pictures from the FABULOUS vineyard wedding on Saturday. Despite being pretty hot and sticky, it was an AMAZING day. Pretty much a photographer's dream wedding weather and scenery...oh, and also a super sexy couple! Al and Lacey are such characters and their love for each other and happiness of the day really made the photography a breeze.
I have to say, I really took a liking to Lacey's T-shirt...I, myself, have a wedding "Game Over" shirt. What can I say, great minds think alike. hehe

Lacey and Al did NOT see eachother before the ceremony so I thought it would be neat to put their pictures side-by-side.

This is Lacey and her super genuine, happy smile. I think that thing was plastered over her face all day. :)

Oooo....and Al was looking especially handsome.

Al is a total goofball. I think he has discovered the secret to winning over a girls heart. This face, right here. :)

Honestly, I cannot remember what triggered this reaction...but it was hysterical!

Such manly men...

Check it out...Matt took this shot and he captured Al with both feet off the ground. How cool is that!

Al is ready to take the big plunge. ...ok, I know, I know...that was cheesy.

This was my absolute favorite picture of the day... don't get me wrong, I took prettier pictures, but this one was unique to me. A guy holding his little girl...while watching another guy walk his little girl down the isle. You have to admit that's pure sweetness, right there!

Humm...what is he saying. Al...secrets don't make friends. haha!

Al set up this shot...nice one!

Oh how I wish I were talented enough to wear heels like that. :(

This was a remake of their "signature" shot from their e-session. Perfect!

Hummm...I wonder if the ring cost a fortune, too. haha :)

Ok, so this is a new one for me... and very creative. Lacey, and her super talented stationary skills, made an area for people to write their wish for her and Al's marriage. They just wrote it on a piece of stationary and dropped it into the wish bowl. ...

Matt came to me at one point during the reception and said, "hey, did you check out that wish on top of the wish bowl?" ....After spending a few minutes laughing, I just had to take a picture. I'm sure that was written by a guy.

...and they probably thought I wasn't looking... I told you I'm a creeper.

The wedding and reception was at Les Bourgeois Winery...which is a place you'd expect to see on a movie. So beautiful.

I'm sure Lacey and Al got a few bites from this shot. I left with a ginormous mesquito bite on my calf...which I itched and now looks fantasticly nasty. UG!

Hey Lacey and Al...hope you love your teasers! Matt and I had a really really really good time. Thanks for having us out.