Yes...Yes...I've neglected my blog lately...but only because I've been buried under wrapping paper, scissors, tape, print orders, boxes, Christmas decorations, ...I've been a busy bee trying to get everyone's orders put in before Christmas. But, time's been running out and I really needed to get this Grosdidier family their pictures done.
This is the coolest family...and when Karla (aka: family organizer) called and asked if I would get some nice family shots while her brother was in town, OF COURSE I was IN! However, can't exactly say I was prepared for walking into a room filled with 22 people ready to be in front of the camera. HAHA! I can officially say, that is one of the largest family group shots I've ever least, indoors anyway. BUT I DID IT!
This is two humorous shots of the chaos that comes along with 22 people confined in a room and having a camera shoved in their face.

...and this is weeeeellllll worth it. What a good lookin' family!

These are the two responsible for all the rest of the 20 people.

...and this is Karla and David (total Mini and Mickey wannabees)

I love this picture it reminds me on Niki and Tate:) Good job sister
I agree... Good JOb Sister. These photos turned out amazing. Thank you again!! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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