I met Sarah Rimel a few months ago at the John Michael Cooper seminar (www.altf.com)...and she was one of those people that felt like an instant click. At the seminar, John told us about a thing he's started called the "Pay It Forward Project". Basically, it started from the idea of how very wrong it is for the photographer's family to never have any pictures of themselves. So the project was born when John decided to go on tour and in every city he stopped in, he would photograph one or more photographers and their families. Then those photographers are obligated to "pay it forward" and photograph another photographer and their family...and so on, and so on...
After I met Sarah, she offered to "pay it forward" with me. Here's just a few of the pictures...there are many more on her blog. www.sarahrimel.blogspot.com
And check out her website at www.rimelphoto.com
She is absolutely amazing and I thank my lucky starts for having met her.

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