This is seriously one of the coolest videos I've ever watched. Major skill and creative thought made this possible. Check it won't be disappointing you did.
Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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Click Photography Owner
11:55 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009

So, I often think I freak out my this was no different. We were coming back from our session when I screamed, "PULL OVER!" as we were on a curved on ramp to the highway. I'm just glad both Kyle and Ashley are super cool and all about the photos...100% committed. LOVE THEM! Can't wait to do next week's session. It will by super different. ;)

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Click Photography Owner
9:36 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009

By the way...kuddos to Lacy for the awesome clothing choice! It's perfect!

And Tyler thought he had the day off. HAHA! NEVER! I had him holding props, jackets, and he was my lighting assistant. :)

Ready or I come!

I can feel the breeze as I look at this picture, can't you?!

Dog pile on dad on the swing! I waited and waited and waited...those chains are pretty strong.

This shot makes me think of the photography 2/3rds rule.

Little higher Natalynn...

Tyler stays in shape by his personally developed new form of free weights.

My goodness...did it just jump 10 degree hotter with this picture?

Posted by Posted by
Click Photography Owner
8:23 PM
This year was Tate's first time to play basketball...and since there was a lack of volunteer coaches, Matt decided to give it a shot. It really has been amazing to watch these 9 boys go from barely able to dribbling the ball to learning plays and giving it their all. I had a really good time getting to know the players and their families and I really hope we can play all together again next season. I have this little dream that maybe these boys will play together for a long time and I will get to watch them all grow up. (tear) ...but that thought just makes me think I'm aging too fast. Ahhhh!
This really is THE neighborhood pizza place. Great pizza, great accommodations for local sports teams and parties, and....
...they have a BALLOON MAN that comes in on Tuesday evenings. And our party was on a TUESDAY! WAHOOO!
This is one of Niki's boyfriends...and looking at this picture, I can't tell if they are having spat or if they're popping balloons. :)
Ok....I thought this was soooooo sweet. All the parents got together and gave Matt a gift card and had the players all sign a thank you page. This was especially fun for me to watch, because he gets soooo embarressed in front of a crowd. Take notice to the bright red patch on his cheek...and the tips of his ears. haha
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Click Photography Owner
7:51 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Lauren and Dallas are one amazing couple. Definitely MFEO! They have had a very long, and sometimes distant relationship and they have finally sealed the deal and will be taking a 2yr honeymoon. AMAZING!
Thus...the ring shot.

Apart from having conversation over the phone and a brief meeting Tuesday, I didn't know Lauren and Dallas all that well. I learned quickly. They, and ALL of their friends and family, are 100% genuine and commited. The best way to describe Lauren and Dallas on their wedding day...was undistracted. That really is HUGE...there's so much to do, things always run late, people are missing, jewelry is misplaced...nothing, I mean NOTHING distracted Lauren and Dallas from having the most sentimental and special wedding day.
This was a shot I snagged right after they had a special moment alone, seeing each other for the first time that day.

And on to the glamourousness....

Here's the guys "serious & sexy" look. :)

Can I just mention it was FLIPPIN' COLD!

Jackson have us some nice entertainment value during our formal portraits.

The Richerson Family rockin' out.

They exited the warm church into a fridgid outside, but warm welcoming of guests.

Laaaauuurreeennn.... this is not belly-button height. haha! :)

As cold as it really was a beautiful day.

On to the reception...


I actually didn't notice these until an hour or so after being at the reception. Lauren and Dallas marked each table with one of their ports during their upcoming adventure. There was one other port, but unfortunately, by the time I got to that table, it was MIA.

Lauren's talented friend, Julia, performed for their first dance as husband and wife. It was the most perfect first dance song.

This was last "freeze-your-butt-off" picture. I didn't notice it at the time, but my husband pointed out today that it apprears the folks inside were peeping at us (thus the hand on the window above Lauren's knee).

I believe Lauren told me that they leave tomorrow to start their adventure. I wish them the best best, and can't wait to keep updated on their trip via their website.
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Click Photography Owner
4:00 PM