Valentine's Day...a day of love. And a perfect day for an AWESOME WEDDING!!!! AND, a perfect wedding to break in my new camera.
Alison has to be one of the most thoughtful Bride's I've had the pleasure of working with. First thing when I met her at the salon, she gives me a special Valentine's gift (A jar of delicious candies...that I almost immediately broke into). She was well planned and had a special thank you for everyone. One of her close pals, equally thoughtful, prepared a cute little Valentine's lunch and snacks before the I had to include pictures of both.

Then...the glamor began. I had SOOOO many WICKED COOL images to choose from for the "Teaser collection"...and I must have had to go through them 3 or 4 times because I just had too many I wanted to show off. KNOW you look!

I had to have sounded cheesy for asking, but I couldn't resist asking Alison if she'd done modeling before. She was a breeze to photograph. It was almost like she would read my mind... oooooo, baby... And, as her grandfather told me at the reception, she is as much Brains as Beauty. He's so proud of her.

This wedding, I was a bit crunched on time before the ceremony, so I delegated the job of getting a neat ring shot to my BB. I'm so proud of him. He incorporated Alison & Dirk's black & white theme by using the piano in the chapel. I LOVE this shot!

Right before the ceremony, I caught a last minute picture of Alison getting ready for the long walk down the isle.

Their Priest continued the thoughfulness and shared his Valentine's story during the ceremony.

...she does, he does...BAM! HUSBAND AND WIFE! Off to go celebrate, in style. My fearless wedding party braved the cold to get some photo love at the Nelson.

Alison knew exactly what was going on in my mind when we got to the birdie.

This has got to be my favorite wall in Kansas City.

Gotta get in to the Valentine mode.

This is their one true SIGNATURE shot. Thanks to Alison, I now have a name for this particular creative imaging. (Thanks, Alison!) At our last meeting, I planted the little seed of the signature shot into their minds and ask what they "do" for fun. Alison told me she loves to knit, and Dirk told me he loves watching TV (basketball, usually). WALLA! PERFECT! Almost instantly I had the idea of this shot...and it was executed wonderfully. Dirk even brought his remote from home. I think I'm going to get a big canvas of this shot for my new studio space.

The REAL funny part about these pictures is that Alison had NO CLUE that her guests were behind her. (Surprise Alison) I think she just thought I enjoyed taking lots of pictures of her getting her first meal as married woman.

First dance. They worked hard for this. Those dancing lessons paid off!!!

Ok, and I had to include a picture of Emily & Andrew. I photographed their lovely wedding a couple years ago, and I was soooo excited to be able to see them again. (Kansas City misses you guys)

....I captures hands UP, and hands DOWN. HAHA! (I know...cheesy, right?!) :)

A fabulous wedding! (Thanks for a great Valentine's day photo assignment!)